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The Difference Between Men and Women

I’m aware that it isn’t socially acceptable to acknowledge the differences between men and women. Simply stating this, a man might be seen to suggest inequality and might be suspected of insinuating that men are superior. But that’s not the case. The reality is that we are just fundamentally different.I’m not sure who first said…

Choose Her Above All Others

Over time, taking the women we love and share our lives with for granted is very common. For most of us, it is not a sign of love lost or a lack of interest. It is simply one of the myriad potential outcomes of our busy lives, consuming work issues, kids’ homework and sports, and…


It’s not our healthy self-image or pride that damages our relationship with our significant other. It’s when we let that pride hinder our honesty.

A little about what to expect

Come all who would share wisdom and seek it by listening to others. Here, you will find my thoughts on relationships. How to you show that you desire a healthy one. How to live in a way that shows you value the one you love as much as, if not more than yourself. And the…

About the Author

Allen found his way to writing through a long and circuitous route.

He’s spent forty-five years in the sign industry — the last thirty of those as the owner of Visible Graphics — and many years as a business consultant fixing broken companies. Now he’s turned his attention to sharing the information that has allowed him to set his own bar high and achieve his goals.

“Better Business,” his first book, reveals simple, fundamental truths about how your willingness to be responsible for your own actions as a business owner is the best indicator of your level of success.

Allen is also the first to tell everyone he meets that most of what he’s attained comes by way of the work he has done with his fantastic wife, the CEO of Visible Graphics. Through working with her, Allen has learned about key relationships… What is the basis of a good one? How do you grow one? And most importantly, how do you maintain one for the long haul?

All of this has led to the recent completion of his first novel. Inspirational at heart, “Shine a Light” is a sweet romantic story that will lift you up as it reveals the reality of both heartbreak and hardship, two of life’s hurdles that rarely pass anyone by completely. Its message is simple, but the story is complex, and will keep you turning the pages long into the night…

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